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A Field Guide to Understanding Love and Relationships

By Richard Krejcir

Into Thy Word -


A Field Guide to Understanding Love and Relationships

A 14+ week Bible Study for discovering, and applying Biblical precepts to the building of lasting, quality relationships through understanding His Love and Call


      This Bible Study was designed for small groups. It is divided up in sub- divisions, or “sessions,” each with its own questions. The best way to go about this study is without time constants, to allow your group to process this information and the Scriptures at their own pace. Some groups need more time in a particular section than in another. It is best to honor the needs of the group, and go at the best pace for them. If you do have time constraints, just proceed with the study in each session per week, and what you do not finish, encourage your group to finish on their own. To save time, have the group read the sections and answer the questions before the study; there will be more dramatic discussions. This study is Part I of a five-part series on relationships, and what the Bible has to say to us concerning them.  

The topic of Love and Relationships is a very hot topic on the Internet and in many of our churches these days. There is much misinformation at best and blatant heresy at worst. Therefore, we are going to devote this study to help you search and discover what the Word has to say! Some of the subjects to be discussed are focusing on how to prepare yourself first, what to look for, what is Fullness, Biblical love, and Kindness, which lays the foundation for the development of quality Biblical character. Then we will be better prepared to build quality relationships. We will even help you learn some keys for a stable and loving marriage!  

This study is not just for young people, or singles! What we are talking about is for all Christians who desire to find, and make good, lasting relationships work. Even if we have done it all wrong, so to speak, God can, and will turn it around for good when our attention becomes focused upon Him, and His precepts--from His Word. We have to know what love is and what it is not before we can be effective in our relationships!  

      My purpose in this study is to point you in the right direction, and provide for you solid, Biblical insights from my more than twenty years of pastoral counseling and Biblical investigations in this subject. It is my prayer, and plan, to give you a general overview of relationships from the Bible’s timeless perspective. This is not a work based on the latest trends in psychology; rather, the understanding of the underlining Spiritual principles we all need to know and follow. A Field Guide is meant to show you the right path to take you through the maze of what all of us are to do, and to be. Consequently, you can learn and gain the most from God’s Word to become better in all of your relationships, and to glorify our Lord.  

      I did not just wake up one day free from that maze; I had to learn how to navigate it in light of God’s Word. I, too, had to struggle to keep from getting myself lost, and in trying to find my way out of ruthless situations. I had to overcome my fears from intense teasing as a child, overcome learning disabilities, dyslexia, and a seriously embarrassing speech impediment that caused me to be the butt of many jokes while growing up. I was once engaged, and realized, after a lot of agony and pain, that this would be wrong. I have spent so much time in my pastoral career that I have had, at times, few, and sometimes no relationships of quality or depth. It is my intention to help you find the right path, so you can discover and build healthy, and quality relationships that are centered upon Christ as our Lord. We will begin by looking at how to prepare ourselves with the right mindset, knowing what real love is, and learning about attitude and character so we can be prepared to bring about and build relationships, as well as developing a good personality.   


Session I      How to Look for Love and Relationships!     

Session II     Preparing for Relationships with the Right Mindset

Session III    Applying the Mind-Set of Fullness     

Session IV    Be willing to Learn about yourself     

Session V     Putting it all Together               

Session VI    The Quest for Authentic LOVE

Session VII   How is Love Spelled Out in the Bible?

Session VIII  The path and way for our Christian life and walk     

Session IX    The effects and results of love 

Session X     The Character of Love     

Session XI    Love The Spiritual Fruit 

Session XII   The Myths of Love     

Session XIII   Love Conquers All?   

Session XIV  False Ideas of Love     

It is my firm belief that God is indeed in control and has a great plan for you. That plan is not hidden, nor is it mysterious; rather, it is found in the pages of His Word, and is ready for you to dig into and apply to your life. If you think, I cannot, or, I have failed. Fear not! We can learn as much about love and relationships when we fail as we can when we succeed. What is the big mystery that makes this work? It is the willingness to learn and grow. The key is the ability to see what we have done wrong, and learn from it, so we do not repeat the same patterns over, and over again. Relationships are tough; they are difficult, and even foreboding. At times we will wonder if our efforts are worth the hurt we seem to experience from them.  

I believe they are!   



      May the Lord richly bless and keep you in His loving arms, and bless your search to find the relationship God has for you--even the love of your life!



© 1999, 2002, 2003 Richard Joseph Krejcir Into Thy Word Ministries


Richard Joseph Krejcir is the Director of Into Thy Word Ministries, a Missions and Discipling ministry. He is the author of the book, Into Thy Word, and is also a pastor, teacher, speaker, and a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California. He has amounted over 20 years of pastoral ministry experience, mostly in youth ministry, and including serving as a church growth consultant. 

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